CONCLUSION Now let’s do the difficult work of applying this to ourselves. First, let us vow to never call unbelievers to love their neighbor as themselves. They do not know what love is. They do not know how to love themselves. They do not keep the law of God. We do not want to help unbelievers in their delusion that they are good with God. They are not. They are lost and need a savior. Let us vow to call unbelievers to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, using the law of God to show that they are unable to keep it and justify themselves. Second, when we call our fellow believers to love their neighbor as themselves let us do so with the greatest humility. AW Pink reminds us, “It is the very worst species of hypocrisy to point the finger of condemnation at another, while I am guilty of something equally as bad… Nothing is more un-Christianlike than for me to berate an erring one in a spirit of self-righteousness and in tones of self-superiority, rather than in the spirit of “consider yourself, lest you also be tempted” (Gal 6:1). If I am to wash my brother’s feet from the defilements of the way—then I must needs take the place of lowliness in order to serve him.” The fact remains that none of us will arrive at a place where we perfectly love our neighbor as ourselves. We will always fail and always sin. We must not expect that our fellow Christians will do what we are not able to do. Third, we must encourage our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to love their neighbor as themselves. We have been given freedom in Christ not so that we may tramble God’s law but that we may now do the works of the law in love. If our fellow Christians are breaking the moral law of God, the commands of Jesus, then we are obligated to reason frankly with them and to restore them to the truth. AW Pink also pointed this out. “If pride and haughtiness are to be reprehended; then mock humility or even an undue occupation with our own frailty and faultiness, is not to be commended. If we must wait until we are blameless, then there are many precepts of Scripture we cannot act upon. If we must tarry until our own character and conduct be faultless, then we are disqualified from rebuking anybody.” Finally, let us study the law of God. Let us obey the words found in 2 John. “And now I ask you, dear lady—not as though I were writing you a new commandment, but the one we have had from the beginning—that we love one another. And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it.”