Welcome to Train for Eternity Studios
Biblical Videos and Podcasts
We are committed to Sola Scriptura, Sola, Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria. It’s not just a slogan, it’s the truth.
The phrase, “Train for Eternity” and “something higher and better,” originated in the book, Thoughts for Young Men, by J.C. Ryle.
“Think for a moment why you were born into the world. Not merely to eat and drink, and indulge the desires of the flesh, not merely to dress up your body, and follow its lusts wherever they may lead you, not merely to work, and sleep, and laugh, and talk, and enjoy yourselves, and think of nothing but time. No! you were meant for something higher and better than this. You were placed here to train for eternity. Your body was only intended to be a house for your immortal spirit. It is flying in the face of God’s purposes to do as many do–to make the soul a servant to the body, and not the body a servant to the soul.”
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Keeping Back Nothing
Keeping Back Nothing is a place for Train for Eternity members to share their sermons or messages.