This is a story of a married woman who feels unloved by her husband. A woman who feels that by getting pregnant she will be able to win the heart of a husband who is cold and distant. This is a story of a wife who cannot get pregnant and desperately wishes that she could have a child. This is a story of two sisters that are so competitive and envious of each other that they will trample on other people just to one-up each other. This is a story of two women slave masters using their servants to get children for themselves. This is a story of a husband who marries four women. This is a story of a man that capitulates to the women in his life. This is a story of the Bible. In Genesis 30:1-24, we see all of this craziness and more. But most of all we see God, working out his plan and purpose in the lives of these messed up individuals. This is a real story of real people that God chose to bring about the salvation of the world. In this passage, we see the envy of Rachel and the anger of Jacob in verses 1-2. In verses 3-13, we have the wrestling match between the sisters Rachel and Leah. In 14-21, there is some superstition, more envy, and some trading of goods for services and finally, we find the Lord remember Rachel in 22-24.