We will leave the story here just as the craziness in this dysfunctional family is about to begin. But we need to learn about God and his divine lesson just like those that lived this story. I point you to Galatians 6:7, “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” God wrote this idea of retribution into the law that was given to Jacob’s descendants. It was given in the covenant that God made with Jacob’s ancestor Noah. William Plumer wrote, “Thus frequently does the Scripture assert this principle in express terms. It also gives us many examples. Jehovah has often “written the cause of the judgment in the forehead of the judgment itself…By fraud and deception, Jacob supplants his brother. Time rolls on. Jacob leaves his native land. Far from home he often finds his wages changed. Worse than all, in the matter of marriage he is miserably deceived. He loves Rachel and cheerfully serves seven years for her; and in the hour of his rejoicing finds that Leah has been palmed off on him. Thus he is made to feel in the tenderest possible manner the nature of his own wickedness to his brother. “If men deal treacherously with others, by and by others will deal treacherously with them.” As Christians, we don’t believe in Satan’s idea of karma or “what goes around comes around.” We believe that God is the perfect judge and will deal with the wicked rightly. God will show no favoritism. God will give them what they deserve which is often what they ask for. And with his children, God disciplines them in a way that confronts their sin head-on. If you are a child of God he will not allow you to be destroyed by sin. There may be a consequence in this life for the wrong that you do but God will not allow you to be destroyed by it. Sure, your sin might cost you dearly, maybe even your earthly life, but God will not allow your soul to perish in Hell. His discipline may seem painful, but in the end, it means that you are his child and have received eternal life.