2. I WILL GO 54-58 The next day the servant wakes up and says, “Let’s go!” Notice the stance of immediacy, of urgency that the servant takes. He is not messing around here. He just traveled several weeks and has the return trip before him. In his mind, everything is settled. The Lord has done this so why wait. It is reminiscent of Abraham’s response to God when he is asked to sacrifice Isaac. The next morning he got up early and made the preparations to leave. That’s what faith in God and trust in his providence does. When you know what the right thing to do is, you do. You don’t mess around. You don’t send the thing to committee and debate on it for years. You get it done. But the problem is you usually have some people that want you to pump the brakes. Laban and Rebekah’s mother tell the servant that they want him to wait 10 days then they can go. The servant says, “Do not delay me, since the Lord has prospered my way.” Instead of agreeing with the servant they want to ask Rebekah if she will go. They probably are expecting her to agree with them but what does she say? I will go, meaning, I will go now not later. So we see that Rebekah is completely willing to follow God on this adventure. She and the family had a way out. At any point they could have said no and the servant would have been free from his oath, but she said yes and immediately. Seeing the providence of God promotes urgency in our hearts. We don’t want to pump the brakes. We want to go full steam ahead. Rebekah wasn’t content with waiting the 10 days and seeing how things worked out. She said, no, it’s time to go.