The Aftermath of Sin: We Open the Door for Sin
a. Good intentions, evil follow through.
Here we begin the actual narrative. We have Lot and his two daughters living in the cave. Now his two, probably teenage daughters (since they were unmarried) begin to talk. They had just lost their two Sodomite betrothed and have no potential husbands up in the cave in the hills. They talk about how their father is old and is now a widower and he has no male heir. Who will carry on the family name? What will be done to preserve his honor? They want to have grandchildren for their dad. This is all fine and good. Nothing wrong with wanting to give your dad grandkids. But, as they don’t have any husbands and, in their estimation, there is not a man on earth that would want them they begin to hatch a plan. It’s as if they took a page out of their aunt Sarah’s playbook. They try scheming their way out of the situation. The oldest suggests that they get their father drunk and lie with him with the hopes of getting pregnant. Good intentions, evil follow through. They follow through with their plan with apparent success and the younger sister does the same. You see, their desire was honorable but unless that was coupled with faith in God it leads to sin. It always does. As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
b. Allowing emotions, not faith, to rule.
Sin was crouching at Lot’s door and he invited it in. His fear, his loss of everything he owned, the death of his wife, and his self-isolation have left the door wide open for sin to walk in. He has allowed his emotions to control him and not his faith in God. Peter tells us that, while Lot was living in Sodom, he was greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked and was tormenting his righteous soul over the lawless deeds that he saw and heard. And now what? Take heed lest ye fall. He allows his daughters to get him drunk two nights in a row. So drunk that he doesn’t even know what’s going on. In two nights he has undone all that he was able to keep himself from those years in Sodom. Not only does he defile himself but also his daughters. There are some warnings here. First, there is a warning against drunkenness. This is Lot’s gateway to greater sin. The temptation to drunkenness lead to more sin. As Matthew Henry said, “no mountain on this side the holy hill above, can set us out of the reach of Satan’s fiery darts.” A second warning is to parents. You can take your daughters out of Sodom but you can’t take the Sodom out of your daughters. He raised his girls in a city where his heart was tormented. What did that do to his daughters? We see the results here.