Dear Titus: Who Is Titus? a. A true child. Paul describes Titus in a way similar to Timothy. They are his true children. This phrase shows the close relationship that Paul had with Titus. They relate to each other as father and son. Being a true child also implies that Titus was a convert of Paul’s. As far as we know, Paul did not have any biological children but he did have many spiritual children. He stands at one who truly knew what Jesus said, “everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.” The word translated as “true” can only be found in Paul’s writings and it means genuine or real which is in contrast to fake. With the word true, Paul is encouraging Titus in the genuineness of his faith and conversion which he will need as he goes about the task that was set before him. b. A common faith holder. The faith that Titus confessed and believed was the same as Paul and the rest of the elect. All true children of Paul and ultimately of God have the same faith. There is not a plurality of faiths. There is only one common faith. This is an exclusivity statement. He is saying that he and Titus have a common faith in contrast to those who profess to know God but deny him by their works. This common faith is what accords with sound doctrine.