a. The cupbearer’s recommendation. When the wise men fail to interpret the dreams, the chief cupbearer has his memory jogged. The cupbearer approaches the Pharaoh with a possible solution to the dilemma he is in. First, the cupbearer says that he remembers his offenses. Which offense is he remembering? Some suggest that was thinking of what he did to make the Pharaoh angry. Others suggest that he remembered his unfulfilled promise to Joseph that he would tell Pharaoh about him. He could be thinking of both since he then proceeds to tell the whole story to Pharaoh. After two whole years, the cupbearer finally tells Pharaoh about the Hebrew servant to the captain of the guard that correctly interpreted not only his dream but also the baker. “As he interpreted to us, so it came about.” b. Joseph brought to Pharaoh. Without wasting any time, Joseph is sent for. Pharaoh has found a possible interpretation of these dreams and no time is wasted. Joseph is quickly brought out of the pit, he shaves and changes his clothes, making him presentable to go before the king, and is brought before Pharaoh. He tells Joseph that he has had a dream but no one can interpret it. But he has heard that when Joseph hears a dream he can interpret. What is Joseph’s answer? It is not in me; God will give. This is the same explanation that he gave to the two officials two years prior. Joseph denies that he has some special ability as a dream interpreter, which the wise men of Egypt would claim. He points to God for the answer. If there is a favorable answer for the Pharaoh it must come from God. Joseph is merely the messenger and not the source of the interpretation. The gifts that God bestows upon his people are not for them to boast in or to use for their personal gain but the glory of God alone.