As we conclude, we must first see the warning here. Potiphar and his wife have a horrible marriage. They are pagans and do not worship the one true God and so we should not expect a biblical marriage, and yet, we should pity them. Unfortunately, too many marriages between Christians look like this too. There is distrust, and pointing fingers, and bad-mouthing behind the spouse’s back. There is a lack of guarding the heart against temptation which leads to thoughts and desires of adultery. A biblical, God-honoring marriage takes work. We need to realize that the marriage relationship is a front on which spiritual warfare takes place. The flesh, the world, and the devil all want your marriage to fail. A good marriage is a target for the enemy. A weak marriage will be devoured by the roaring lion. Second, consider our brother Joseph and his obedience to the Lord. I have talked to several of you about the character of Joseph. Oftentimes, Joseph is depicted as an arrogant, self-centered young man strutting around in his coat of many colors. But if we just read the text, we don’t see that at all. He is obedient to his father. Joseph works hard as a slave. He is a model prisoner. He gives credit to God for his ability to interpret dreams. He pleads with his case that he has done nothing wrong. Joseph is not perfect but he is a godly man, obedient to the commands of God. As Psalm 128 says, “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways! You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.” The excellent wife of Proverbs 31 is a God-fearing woman whose works praise her in the gates. Joseph feared God more than Potiphar and his wayward wife. He feared God more than the keeper of the prison. The Lord was with him and whatever he did, the Lord made it succeed. God had a plan for Joseph that was established before time began. The same is for you. Your part is to obey him. Fear him. Follow him. The Lord will be with you.