So, what can we walk away from this passage? First, we see that God is faithful to his promises. Remember that God had promised to make a nation out of Esau before he was born. He told Rebekah that as she was still carrying him. Despite the evil and immorality of the man, God was faithful to his promises. This chapter is a fulfillment of this passage. When we see God keeping his promises to those that are evil, how much more should we who are followers of God trust in his promises. God has given us no reason to doubt him. If God could make a nation out of Esau, he can make a nation out of Jacob. If he could make a nation out of Jacob then he can make a nation out of every tribe, language, and nation. We serve a promise-keeping God. Matthew Henry also points us to another lesson we need to learn. “The children of this world have their all in hand, and nothing in hope (Luke 16:25); which the children of God have their all in hope, and next to nothing in hand. But, all things considered, it is better to have Canaan in promise than mount Seir in possession.” Though Esau had kings first it should not have been a point of jealousy for Jacob’s descendants. They had God as their king. But they followed exactly what God said they would do. They would through off God as their king and seek a mere person to rule over them. We do the same when we disregard God’s law and the teachings of Christ and substitute our own feelings and desires. Some people substitute worldly government for God’s government. Christ is King, today. Have you submitted your life to him? Will you serve him? Will you bow your desires and dreams to him or will you keep yourself on the throne? You can’t do that forever for one day he will rule over you. If you submit now the day the king returns will be the happiest day of your life. If you keep yourself on the throne when King Jesus returns that will be the beginning of the worse day of your life. So submit yourself to Jesus today.