a. Isaac’s Repentance. Proverbs 10:9 says, “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.” This is where we pick up the story. Isaac has just finished giving Jacob his blessing and Jacob leaves. He had scarcely left the tent when Esau arrives with the game that he caught and has cooked for his father. Esau, not knowing that he has been cheated, tells Isaac to eat his food so that he might receive the blessing. After just having all five of his senses fooled, Isaac is beginning to realize what has happened. He asks the question, “Who are you?” Then comes the soul-crushing words, “I am you son, your firstborn Esau.” Remember that Isaac is a man of faith and when he hears these words he comes to his senses and realizes what has happened. The Hebrew in verse 33 literally says, “And trembled Isaac trembling exceedingly greatly even to abundance.” This is not a trembling of anger but fear and repentance. Isaac has realized that what he has done. He has opposed the stated will and word of God. He knows that Esau was not the one that was to receive the blessing. Isaac asks the question of who it was that he has blessed. Of course, he must have realized that if it talks like Jacob it must be a Jacob. Isaac says that he indeed will be blessed. Isaac’s blessing will and must stand. Isaac knows that God has done what he has said. Isaac quickly bows to the sovereignty of God. b. Esau’s Bitterness. The story tells us of Esau’s response to hearing the news that he lost what was not his, to begin with. Upon hearing that Isaac has given his blessing to someone else, Esau cries out with a cry that is great, bitter, and exceeding. Not knowing what he is talking about and just responding in emotion Esau tells Isaac to bless him too. But Jacob explains the situation to his son. Jacob had deceived him and now the blessing was his. The statement in verse 36 is very telling of Esau’s heart. He already had bitterness toward Jacob. “Is he not rightly named the cheat?” he says. Then he says that Jacob cheated him out of his birthright. Is that entirely true? Sure Jacob took advantage of the situation but Esau willingly agreed to trade his birthright for the stew. It the typical response when someone does something stupid; it’s someone else’s fault. And so he transfers all of the guilt to Jacob.